The10th National Fair in Popular Astronomy .... 29 October-1 Nov 2011, Constantine, Algeria ... World Space Week 2011 ...50 years of human space flight.... Popular Science in Action   

International Scientific Committee

اللجنة العلمية الدولية

This committee was set up as an advisory committee in conjunction with the Festival and its various activities. The members for most of them will be present with us and will enhance by their active participation and availability this epoch making Astronomy festival celebrating the 50th anniversary of Mankind's ushering into the Space Age.

Prof.Jamal Mimouni President, Sirius Astronomy Association
Head, Graduate Study program in Astrophysics, Constantine Univ.
Vice President, Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences
Prof.Hamid M.K.Al-Naimiy Professor of Astronomy & Astrophysics
Vice Chancellor for academic affairs/ University of Sharjah
President, Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences
Prof.Pius Okeke Director Center for Basic Space Science
President AfAS (African Astronomical Society)
Prof. Roger-Maurice Bonnet Former director ESA science programme
Executive Director
International Space Science Institute
Prof. Ali al-Mashat Former Arabsat Director
Prof in Space Sciences & Consultant
Prof.Mazlan Othman Deputy Director-General, United Nations Office at Vienna (UNOV)
Director, Office for Outer Space Affairs (OOSA)
Dr.Nassim Seghouani Head Astronomy Department, CRAAG, Algiers
(Centre de Recherche en Astronomie, Astrophysique et Géophysique)
Prof.Abdelhamid.Bouldjedri Nuclear Physicist, Batna University
Head, National Aures Observatory Project
Prof.Hassan Darhmaoui Coordinator of the AUI Center for Learning Technologies
School of Science & Engineering, Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane, Morocco
Phillipe Morel President of the French Astronomical Society -SAF
Dr.Sofien Kamoun President of the Tunisian Astronomical Society - SAT
Prof.Xenophon Moussas Director of Astrophysics Laboratory
Faculty of Physics
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece