The 11th National Fair in Popular Astronomy .... 4-6 October- 2012, Constantine, Algeria ... World Space Week 2012 ...The Sun our Star.... Popular Science in Action   

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The Fair is also part of Algeria 's World Space Week 2012 celebrations.

In collaboration with the Arab Union of Astronomy & Space Sciences (AUASS)

In celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the proclamation of Independence

Participation of the International Astronomical Union (IAU) as a cosponsor

Participation of the African Astronomical Society (AfAS) as a cosponsor

"The Sun our Home Star"
Getting ready for the 2013 Solar Maximum

and other Details

Press Release بلاغ صحفي

The 11th Edition of the National Festival in Popular Astronomy
After celebrating last year the tenth anniversary of the National Festivals in Popular Astronomy, we thought of this 11th edition of the Festival to be that of consolidation. This epoch making popular gathering which brings together amateur and professional astronomers from all over the region is faithfull to its mission of bringing the Sciences of the Universe into the public realm. Its variety of activities both high level and for the general public has made it throughout the years a much sought astronomical rendez vous. Like usual, this year come with its share of surprises..
La Onzième Edition du Festival d'Astronomie Populaire
Pour la onzième fois depuis 2001, Sirius organise durant la Semaine Mondiale de l'Espace 2012 une grande kermesse de l'astronomie populaire à Constantine. Ce Festival a acquis au fil des ans ses lettres de noblesse et est devenu le rendez-vous annuel majeur pour les amateurs Algeriens et ceux de la region. La participation internationle a touchée trois continents et plus d'une dizaine de pays l'année dernière ...

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